Training & Troubleshooting | Elkan

Training & Troubleshooting

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  • Training & Troubleshooting

Kami dapat melakukan supervisi, start-up, testing commisioning, training, dan troubleshooting untuk fire pump, diesel engine, electric motor, controller, jockey pump, plumbing pump, booster pump, chiller pump, submersible pump dan deep-well pump. Kami mempunyai Engineer yang berpengalaman dan dapat menggunakan peralatan yang terkalibrasi untuk mengidentifikasi akar penyebab masalah serta menerapkan solusi efektif dan efisien.

We can perform supervision, start-up, testing commisioning, training and troubleshooting for fire pumps, diesel engines, electric motors, controllers, jockey pumps, plumbing pumps, booster pumps, chiller pumps, submersible pumps and deep-well pumps. We have experienced engineers who can use calibrated equipment to identify the root cause of problems and implement effective and efficient solutions.

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